

Scientific committee:

  • Audrey Bienfait, CNRS researcher, ENS Lyon
  • Juliette Billy, Assistant professor, University Paul-Sabatier, LCAR Toulouse
  • Cyril Branciard, CNRS researcher, Institut Néel Grenoble
  • Anaïs Dréau, CNRS researcher, L2C Montpellier - Head of GdR TeQ 
  • Jean Etesse, CNRS researcher, Institut de Physique de Nice
  • Omar Fawzi, INRIA researcher, QInfo Lyon
  • Michele Filippone, CEA researcher, CEA Grenoble
  • Hanna Le Jeannic, CNRS researcher, LKB Paris
  • Anthony Leverrier, INRIA researcher, INRIA Paris
  • Damian Markham, CNRS researcher, LIP6 Paris
  • Alexei Ourjoumtsev, CNRS researcher, Collège de France - Vice-head of GdR TeQ 
  • Sylvain Ravets, CNRS researcher, C2N Palaiseau
  • Matias Urdampilleta, CNRS researcher, Institut Néel Grenoble
  • Jérémie Viennot, CNRS researcher, Institut Néel Grenoble
  • Christophe Vuillot, INRIA researcher, Loria Nancy
  • Mattia Walschaers, CNRS researcher, LKB Paris


Local organization committee:

  • Hanna Le Jeannic, CNRS researcher, LKB Paris
  • Mattia Walschaers, CNRS researcher, LKB Paris
  • Alexei Ourjoumtsev, CNRS researcher, Collège de France - Vice-head of GdR TeQ 
  • Thierry Tardieu, local organizing, LKB
  • Florent Baboux, associate professor, Université Paris-Cité, MPQ, Paris
  • Quentin Glorieux, associate professor, Sorbonne University, LKB, Paris
  • Anthony Leverrier, INRIA researcher, Paris, 
  • Damian Markam, CNRS researcher, LIP6, Paris
  • Valentia Parigi, professor, Sorbonne University, Paris
  • Sylvain Ravets, CNRS researcher, C2N, Palaiseau


With the remote help from:

  • Anaïs Dréau, CNRS researcher, L2C Montpellier - Head of GdR TeQ 


Selection process for contributed talks:

The selection of contributed talks is based on the following criteria:

  • Broad interest, assessed upon review by the scientific comittee. 
  • Topics. The selection is balanced between the six main themes of the GDR, each of them having a well-defined number of time slots:
    • Fundamental Quantum Aspects (FQA)
    • Quantum Communication (QCOM)
    • Quantum Sensing & Metrology (QMET)
    • Quantum Simulation (QSIM)
    • Quantum Processing, Algorithms, and Computing (QPAC)
    • Transverse Engineering and Methods (TEM)
    When submitting your abstract, choose your theme carefully since it impacts your chances to be selected.
  • Geography and research groups. Our choice of talks reflects the dynamism of our research community as a whole. Getting more than one talk per research group is therefore a rare event.
  • Parity and equity. We promote submissions from women and early-stage researchers (PhD students, postdocs). 

The selection of abstracts involves the whole scientific committee through the following steps:

  • Abstracts are rated by at least four experts chosen among the members of the scientific comittee. The mark reflects the scientific level of the contribution and its adequacy to the theme seleted by the applicant.
  • The time slots of a given theme are attributed to the best ranked contributions based on the criteria above.
  • The board validates the selection.
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