

The GdR TeQ warmly thanks all its sponsors for making the colloquium TeQ#2 possible. 



Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is an interdisciplinary public research organisation under the administrative supervision of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation (MESRI). The CNRS has over 80 years experience of basic research, exploring living creatures, space, materials and human societies and can leverage all fields of science to understand current global challenges in all their complexity, in conjunction with organisations in the field.

The research network "Quantum Technologies" (GdR TeQ) is linked to and supported by CNRS Physics. This Institute's research thematics relate to the fundamental laws of physics, understanding radiation, matter, and their interactions. Those studies come with two main motivations : understanding the world, and answering current societal challenges.

The GdR TeQ also benefits from secondary support from CNRS Engineering, CNRS Mathematics and CNRS Informatics




Sorbonne Université

Sorbonne Université is a public university, created on January 1, 2018 by the merging of Université Paris-Sorbonne and Université Pierre et Marie Curie. A multidisciplinary research university in the heart of Paris, it is structured into three faculties, in the fields of humanities, languages and social sciences, science and engineering, and health.

Sorbonne Université pioneers the paths of knowledge and tackles major contemporary challenges, such as climate change and sustainability, digital transformation and the data revolution, personalized medicine, open science... Strengthened by its shared values of quality and integrity, freedom, transparency and collegiality, diversity and exchange, the University is ambitious in its mission to serve the public, create and develop knowledge at the heart and intersection of disciplines.






Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

The Kastler Brossel Laboratory (LKB) is a joint research unit of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Sorbonne University, Collège de France and CNRS It is one of the main leaders worldwide in the domain of fundamental physics of quantum systems, covering numerous subjects from fundamental tests of quantum theory to applications, with an internationally recognized expertise throughout its 65 years history, including three Nobel Prize winners.

The traditional activities of the laboratory is in atomic physics and optics, with a particular emphasis in fundamental issues of light-matter interaction, quantum states of light and precision spectroscopy. One of the important developments in recent decades concerns cooling and trapping of neutral atoms, which have opened up a rich field of study on quantum gases and liquids, at the boundary between atomic and condensed matter physics. 





QuanTiP – a short name for Quantum Technologies in Paris Region – was founded in May 2022 as one of the Major Research and Innovation Networks (DIM) funded by Région Île-de-France (Paris Region).

QuanTiP acts in all fields of quantum technologies: computing, simulation, communications, sensing, and all the scientific and technological resources necessary to develop these fields. QuanTiP pays particular attention to technology transfer from the academy to the industry, with dedicated valorization and training program. They also develop targeted communication towards the general public, students and pupils.







Paris Centre for Quantum Technologies (PCQT) is a scientific consortium that includes 5 Parisian universities – Université Paris Cité, Université PSL, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, CY Cergy Paris Université, Sorbonne Université – together with the CNRS and Inria.





Université Paris Cité

At the heart of a global network of knowledge and innovation, Université Paris Cité is France’s leading multidisciplinary university. It covers a wide range of disciplines, with one of the most comprehensive and ambitious educational offerings available in the world. Université Paris Cité is part of the incarnation of a world city, aware of its place and missions, open to youth and knowledge.

Born in 2019 from the merger of the universities of Paris Diderot, Paris Descartes and Institut de physique du globe de Paris, the ambition of Université Paris Cité is to lead and develop an exceptional potential to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s society.






Quandela is a leading technology company in the field of quantum technologies. Using the world's most efficient single-photon emitters, the company has developed and brought to market photonic quantum computers. The company, based in the Paris region, employs more than 80 experts in semiconductors, optics, electronics, quantum information theory and computer science.

Quandela's extremely efficient and high-quality single-photon source technology is based on the use of cavity semiconductor quantum dots. These sources have been on the market since 2017. Since 2023, Quandela has been supplying MosaiQ, modular, scalable, energy-efficient photonic quantum computers that can be accessed both in the cloud and on Quandela's own site. Our team specialises in developing software and hardware solutions for a variety of quantum computing applications.





Welinq is a pioneering Quantum Networking company that develops and commercializes quantum links based on laser-cooled neutral atom quantum memories to interconnect quantum computers in order to drastically increase their computational power and to ensure their deployment in clusters on customer premises. Welinq is a spin-out from Sorbonne Université, CNRS and PSL-University, founded in 2022 by Tom Darras, Prof. Julien Laurat, Dr. Eleni Diamanti and Jean Lautier-Gaud.





Pasqal is a leading Quantum Computing company that builds quantum processors from ordered neutral atoms in 2D and 3D arrays to bring a practical quantum advantage to its customers and address real-world problems. Pasqal was founded in 2019, out of the Institut d’Optique, by Georges-Olivier Reymond, Christophe Jurczak, Professor Dr. Alain Aspect – Nobel Prize Laureate Physics, 2022, Dr. Antoine Browaeys and Dr. Thierry Lahaye. Pasqal has secured more than €140 million in financing to date. To learn more about us, visit www.pasqal.com


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